5 Tips On…getting on Spotify playlists

Here are 5 quick tips for getting on Spotify playlists.

  1. Get verified. They created a Spotify for artists app and website. This give you more power to customize your Spotify artist profile.
  2. Tell a story. If someone stumbles into your profile, they should be able to see who you are. This may help a playlist curator recognize you.
  3. Be creative. Long story short, get a dope album cover or single cover (we make pretty cool ones).
  4. Check your circle. Who is in your circle? Do they want you to succeed? What are they doing to help push you? These questions need to be asked. True supporters will want to see “their” artist succeed.
  5. Engage with fans. This is a common thought. You have to engage with your fans. Direct them to play your music on Spotify. Be seen. Be heard. Be listed.

Best of luck to you all!

Brief Thoughts | Social Media Posts

Everyone has, or should have, a social media account. If you are an artist and you don’t have one, GET ONE.

With that said, don’t use your account to post 500 posts a day. If you post something insightful at 10 AM, but drown it out with 20 other posts, then you just wasted your time.

If you want to post multiple things, do it on your personal account or make a schedule on your artist account.

You also need to diversify what types of posts you are posting. These three categories will work best

  1. Promotional
  2. Engaging
  3. Value to fans

Your daily posts can look like this:

  • 10 AM: promote your upcoming event/single/album
  • 2 PM: pose a funny/serious question for your fans to answer
  • 6 PM: give your fans insight on something exclusive, or tell them you appreciate them (be genuine)

Those are examples and should not be taken as a “written in stone” template.

These are my brief thoughts.

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